Tuesday, November 23, 2010


As I'm sure most of you are: I'm READY for Thanksgiving!!!!!

We are headed to Burton, TX to spend time with family and eat LOTS of food! The babies (dogs) get to come with us too, and they love it!

To get you in the mood here are some decorating ideas if you are having Thanksgiving at your home!

FREE downloadable Thanksgiving Banner from At Second Street


I'm also loving these napkins and Festive Decor from Poppytalk!

Enjoy your week of getting ready for the big day!!! What will you be preparing?


Leah said...

I am so happy all I have to do is make a fruit tray! yipee!

Love this pics!


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

very married said...

i do love that download! I need some brown ish paper to put it on!

the southern hostess said...

These are great ideas! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!