So I love the French Indie Rock band Phoenix
Who used to play with the band Air
Who used to work with Daft Punk
Ok, so that wasn't really 7 degrees, but it definitely explains why I love Phoenix so much! Who knew all this time I was into French House Music?
But on that note, I'm also loving Temper Trap
, an Australian band.
Not to mention, Phoenix has been compared to the band MGMT
So in honor of this Almost-Friday, here is a funky Euro-mix I made! Hope you enjoy!
Also, if you are in the mood for some more music I'm Loving, check out my "What I'm Listening To" link at the top!
Happy Almost Weekend!
great stuff girl! You should check out my giveaway I'm having on my blog to win a Bobbi Brown eyeshadow compact :)
thanks for sharing your playlist!
xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette
cool! thanks for music!
love phoenix! such great music to have in the background.
Hahah oh my my my, thank you for being patient with me! I think I need some more help on my wordpress account before I can cancel out on blogger. Sigh, its awful! I ALSO LOVE Phoenix! (Obviously something else are are totally on the same page with ;)) Hope your summer is treating you well! Sorry I've been such a horrible blogger friend, its been a rough summer for me. x
i love each and everyone of those bands!
I'm sitting in class (being a bad student reading blogs) so I'll have to listen to these when I get home :)
Thanks so much for adding my blog button to your page! You are so sweet!
LOVE Zero 7 and Sia!
Thanks Jessica. Excited to meet you too! :)
i'll never get sick of phoenix. awesome mix.
I love all those bands too. Who knew there were so many connections. :) Have you heard of the six degrees of Kevin Bacon? lol.
These are fabulous song choices!! I'm a huge fan of, well all of these. Thanks so much for your sweet comment and yes, I'm wearing the Alice Pendant from modcloth good eye. I love that thing! xo veronika
you are like the music trivia master! loved this total and especially Phoenix & Sia's shout outs, i saw them both live before and remarkable is an understatement. boo, cos i'm in Canada i can't play the list of goodness but best believe i'm appreciating those bands daily! happy weekend Jess. ♥
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